Mount Carmel Lodge will open on the Fellow Craft Degree at 6pm. Dinner will be an Italian feast, and will include pasta, meatballs, sausages, salad and garlic bread, then dessert. It is a $12.00 donation, and reservations need to be made with me no later then Wednesday, January 6th. A collation will follow the degree, and it will definitely be a night to remember.
For those of you who are not aware; Mt.Carmel Lodge was instituted the same day as Amicable Lodge in 1805. This makes them our sister Lodge, and for several years now we have passed back and forth a traveling gavel. It is now our turn to fulfill our part of the bargain, and return the gavel.
Please consider joining us to fulfill this ancient custom.
RSVP no later then January 6th.
Cordially & Fraternally,
Bro. William O. Saunders
617 230 4027